Sunday, December 27, 2009


I cannot believe that the end of the year is here already. With everything I hoped to do, all my grandiose ideas, I sit here flabbergasted that the time is gone (having, of course, taken advantage of none of it).

The most I can say is that I spent a fair amount of time thinking about my story. While that sounds tacitly lame, I must admit that even that was helpful. I've come up with some good ideas about what I want to do. Now, if I could (read would) just sit down and write it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

limits of magic

Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson is absolutely amazing in its magical limits and rules which are very clearly defined fir the reader and religiously adhered to thus far. Gives me a great example of boundaries, rules and limits.

I'm trying to find a way to create such limits and rules in my own book. Eragon was similar as well. While that magic dis not require a reagant as in Mistborn, the user was limited by his physical capacity to use the magic he possesed. Both are very good examples.

Have decided I'm ready to start writing for real. My work is not as fun for me as it once was. What's a better motivator than that?!? Wish me luck.