Sunday, March 7, 2010

a little slow

Sorry for the delay in posting.  I’ve been busy the last couple days and haven’t had a chance to put an update.  I haven’t had much time to write either.  I need to get back to it.  I had actually planning on spending some time writing this weekend, but it turned out to be really busy.  Our kids have been sick.  We haven’t slept much.  All in all, it’s been pretty crazy.  I’m going to dedicate some serious time this week toward a few more chapters.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Name Help!!!

OK, people. I need some help coming up with some fun names for characters and things in my book.  The few main characters as of now are named Leef, Chaman, Malek, Krazen, etc.  But, I’d love some suggestions.

I also am stumped on what to call certain things throughout the book.  For instance, a significant element in the book is the existence of blue or white glowing stones.  They provide light, heat, etc.  I’m debating on whether I want to just make up a totally fictitious name, or whether I want there to be some semblance of actual root there.  For example, I’ve considered illuminites, illumigems, phosphorsomething.  You get the gist.  Or should I just make up a name like __________.
If you have some ideas, shoot me an email or comment on this post.

Also, I've mentioned this before, but this article is called Sanderson's First Law in which he sets forth certain rules for the use of magic in novels.  I think it's very well thought out.



I spent a bit of time the other night at Tor publishing’s website ( to look at their submission guidelines for adult fantasy novels.  Interestingly enough, they actually only want the first 3 chapters (10,000 words or less) submitted, along with a cover letter which gives a synopsis of the novel as a whole. 

I’m well past that point now, and I’ve actually been thinking about submitting what I have, or at least the first bit of it, so I can start getting it on some editors’ desks.  I’ve certainly got enough material.  The problem I’m struggling with is that I don’t have a solid outline for my book.  Much of what I have been writing is just coming to me as I write.  So, even though I have a general idea about where the book is headed, I don’t know that I have enough specificity to satisfy a would-be publisher.

But, I think that' may need to change.  I REALLY (and when I say really, I mean more almost than anything I’ve ever wanted) want to get my manuscript to some publishers.  I think I'm starting to accept the fact that the vast majority of authors don’t actually get published their first time.  Brandon Sanderson wrote 13 novels before he was published.  I’ve always just sort of thought that if I could just make myself finish my book, I could get published.  But, I know it’s not that easy.  I’m looking at this first book as a practice book.  I’ll get something put together.  Send it in.  Get some constructive feedback, hopefully, and I’ll know what I need to do better the next time.

The one thing I have realized, though, is that writing is for me.  The more I write, the more I want to write.  The more ideas pop into my head.  The more I can see myself doing nothing but. 

I can’t even imagine how great it would be to be able to write full time because I’m making enough off a prior book or books to not have to work anymore.  That, my friends, would be perfection!!!